
2024-06-28 10:55:34 浏览数 (1)

官方项目地址: https://github.com/CrunchyData/pgCompare


    待比较的表必须有主键(没有主键会在比对的时候被自动跳过,日志中提示 Table xx has no Primary Key, skipping reconciliation)


    Java version 21 or higher.
    Maven 3.9 or higher.
    Postgres version 15 or higher (to use for the pgCompare Data Compare repository).
    Necessary JDBC drivers (Postgres and Oracle currently supported).


pg15作为source端, pg16作为target端。
create database db1;
c db1;


cd /root/pgCompare/pgCompare-v.0.2.0

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/software/jdk-22.0.1
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
mvn --version    
Apache Maven 3.9.1 (2e178502fcdbffc201671fb2537d0cb4b4cc58f8)
Maven home: /usr/local/software/maven
Java version: 22.0.1, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /home/software/jdk-22.0.1
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "6.8.9-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

mvn clean install


cd target
cp ../pgcompare.properties.sample /root/pgcompare.properties


cat pgcompare.properties | egrep -v '^#'

batch-fetch-size = 2000  # 设置从源或目标数据库检索行的获取大小
batch-commit-size = 2000  # 提交大小控制并发插入到 dc_source/dc_target 暂存表中的数组大小和行数
batch-progress-report-size = 1000000  # 定义 mod 中用于报告进度的行数
loader-threads = 2  # 设置将数据加载到临时表中的线程数。默认值为 4。设置为 0 可禁用加载器线程
message-queue-size = 100  # 加载线程使用的消息队列的大小(nbr 个消息)。默认值为 100
number-cast: notation     # 定义哈希函数中数字的转换方式(符号|标准)。默认为符号(科学计数法)
observer-throttle = true   # 设置为 true 或 false,指示加载器线程暂停并等待观察器线程赶上来,然后再继续将更多数据加载到暂存表中。
observer-throttle-size = 2000000  # 加载器线程休眠并等待观察器线程清除之前加载的行数
observer-vacuum = true  # 设置为 true 或 false,指示观察者是否在检查点期间对暂存表执行真空清理
log-destination = stdout  # 设置临时暂存表的并行工作器数量。默认值为 0

log-level = INFO  # 测试期间,建议改为 DEBUG
database-sort = true

repo-sslmode: disable




create database pgcompare;


alter user dts set transaction_isolation='read committed';

TIPS:如果使用默认的RR隔离级别,在执行后续的 java -jar pgcompare.jar --batch=0 会报如下的错误
[2024-06-28 09:32:20] [SEVERE ] [dbCommon ] Error executing simple update (UPDATE dc_result SET source_cnt=source_cnt ? WHERE cid=?):  ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update 


java -jar pgcompare.jar --init

[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Starting - rid: 1719487134959 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Version: 0.2.0 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Batch Number: 0 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Recheck Out of Sync: false 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Parameters:  
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-port=5436 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-vacuum=true 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-port=5432 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-user=dts 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-type=postgres 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-commit-size=2000 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   stage-table-parallel=0 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-name=pg15 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   message-queue-size=100 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-dbname=db1 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-fetch-size=2000 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-type=postgres 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   database-sort=true 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-dbname=pgcompare 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-host= 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-port=5432 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   loader-threads=2 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-schema=pgcompare 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   config-file=pgcompare.properties 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-user=dts 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-progress-report-size=1000000 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-dbname=db1 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-throttle-size=2000000 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-throttle=true 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-database-hash=true 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   number-cast=notation 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-host= 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-database-hash=true 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   log-level=INFO 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   log-destination=stdout 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-user=dts 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-name=pg16 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-host= 
[2024-06-27 19:18:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Connecting to repository database 


pgcompare=# dn
		List of schemas
   Name    |       Owner       
----------- -------------------
 pgcompare | dts
 public    | pg_database_owner
(2 rows)

pgcompare=# set search_path ='pgcompare';
pgcompare=# dt
			  List of relations
  Schema   |       Name       | Type  | Owner 
----------- ------------------ ------- -------
 pgcompare | dc_object        | table | dts
 pgcompare | dc_result        | table | dts
 pgcompare | dc_source        | table | dts
 pgcompare | dc_table         | table | dts
 pgcompare | dc_table_history | table | dts
 pgcompare | dc_target        | table | dts
(6 rows)


java -jar pgcompare.jar --discovery public  # 注意这里public指的是schema

[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Starting - rid: 1719487314311 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Version: 0.2.0 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Batch Number: 0 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Recheck Out of Sync: false 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Parameters:  
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-port=5436 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-vacuum=true 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-port=5432 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-user=dts 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-type=postgres 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-commit-size=2000 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   stage-table-parallel=0 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-name=pg15 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   message-queue-size=100 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-dbname=db1 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-fetch-size=2000 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-type=postgres 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   database-sort=true 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-dbname=pgcompare 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-host= 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-port=5432 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   loader-threads=2 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-schema=pgcompare 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   config-file=pgcompare.properties 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-user=dts 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-progress-report-size=1000000 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-dbname=db1 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-throttle-size=2000000 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-throttle=true 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-database-hash=true 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   number-cast=notation 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-host= 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-database-hash=true 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   log-level=INFO 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   log-destination=stdout 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-user=dts 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-name=pg16 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-host= 
[2024-06-27 19:21:54] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-27 19:21:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Connecting to source database 
[2024-06-27 19:21:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Connecting to target database 
[2024-06-27 19:21:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Performaning table discovery for schema: db1 
[2024-06-27 19:21:55] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Shutting down 



pgcompare=# select * from dc_table;
 tid | source_schema | source_table | target_schema | target_table | batch_nbr | parallel_degree | mod_column | status | table_filter | column_map 
----- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ----------- ----------------- ------------ -------- -------------- ------------
  19 | public        | t1           | public        | t1           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
  20 | public        | t2           | public        | t2           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
  21 | public        | t3           | public        | t3           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
  22 | public        | t5           | public        | t5           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
  23 | public        | tb           | public        | tb           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
  24 | public        | ttt          | public        | ttt          |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
(6 rows)


java -jar pgcompare.jar --batch=0   # 批次号的默认值为 0表示所有批次
[2024-06-28 10:14:01] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Starting - rid: 1719540841891 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Version: 0.2.0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Batch Number: 0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Recheck Out of Sync: false 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Parameters:  
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-port=5436 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-vacuum=true 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-port=5432 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-user=dts 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-type=postgres 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-commit-size=2000 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   stage-table-parallel=0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-name=pg15 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   message-queue-size=100 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-dbname=db1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-fetch-size=2000 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-type=postgres 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   database-sort=true 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-dbname=pgcompare 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-host= 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-port=5432 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   loader-threads=2 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-schema=pgcompare 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   config-file=pgcompare.properties 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-user=dts 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   batch-progress-report-size=1000000 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-dbname=db1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-throttle-size=2000000 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   observer-throttle=true 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-database-hash=true 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   number-cast=notation 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-host= 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-database-hash=true 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   log-level=DEBUG 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   log-destination=stdout 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-user=dts 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   source-sslmode=disable 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   target-name=pg16 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ]   repo-host= 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Connecting to source database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Connecting to target database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Start reconciliation 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Clearing data compare findings 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [DatabaseUtility         ] Building column expressions for public.t1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [DatabaseUtility         ] Building column expressions for public.t1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Source Columns:  
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Target Columns:  
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Source Compare Hash SQL: SELECT md5(concat_ws('|',coalesce(trim(to_char(b,'0.9999999999EEEE')),' '))) pk_hash, '{'||'"b": ' || b||'}' pk, md5(concat_ws('','0')) FROM public.t1 WHERE 1=1  
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Target Compare Hash SQL: SELECT md5(concat_ws('|',coalesce(trim(to_char(b,'0.9999999999EEEE')),' '))) pk_hash, '{'||'"b": ' || b||'}' pk, md5(concat_ws('','0')) FROM public.t1 WHERE 1=1  
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Starting compare hash threads 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Creating data compare staging tables 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Starting compare thread 0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Observer-c23-t0         ] Starting reconcile observer 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Observer-c23-t0         ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c23-t0 ] Start database reconcile thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c23-t0 ] Start database reconcile thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c23-t0 ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c23-t0 ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c23-t0 ] Connecting to source database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c23-t0 ] Connecting to target database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c23-t0 ] Complete. Total rows loaded: 9 
[2024-06-28 10:14:02] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c23-t0 ] Complete. Total rows loaded: 6 
[2024-06-28 10:14:03] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:03] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:03] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:03] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:04] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Waiting for hash threads to complete 
[2024-06-28 10:14:04] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Waiting for reconcile threads to complete 
[2024-06-28 10:14:04] [INFO   ] [Observer-c23-t0         ] Matched 6 rows 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Observer-c23-t0         ] Staging table cleanup 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 1 of 3 - Missing on Source 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 2 of 3 - Missing on Target 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 3 of 3 - Not Equal 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Reconciliation Complete: Table = t1; Status = out-of-sync ; Equal = 6; Not Equal = 0; Missing Source = 3; Missing Target = 0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Start reconciliation 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Clearing data compare findings 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [DatabaseUtility         ] Building column expressions for public.t2 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [DatabaseUtility         ] Building column expressions for public.t2 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Source Columns:  
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Target Columns:  
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Source Compare Hash SQL: SELECT md5(concat_ws('|',coalesce(trim(to_char(b,'0.9999999999EEEE')),' '))) pk_hash, '{'||'"b": ' || b||'}' pk, md5(concat_ws('','0')) FROM public.t2 WHERE 1=1  
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Target Compare Hash SQL: SELECT md5(concat_ws('|',coalesce(trim(to_char(b,'0.9999999999EEEE')),' '))) pk_hash, '{'||'"b": ' || b||'}' pk, md5(concat_ws('','0')) FROM public.t2 WHERE 1=1  
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Starting compare hash threads 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Creating data compare staging tables 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Starting compare thread 0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Observer-c24-t0         ] Starting reconcile observer 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c24-t0 ] Start database reconcile thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c24-t0 ] Start database reconcile thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Observer-c24-t0         ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c24-t0 ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c24-t0 ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c24-t0 ] Connecting to target database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c24-t0 ] Connecting to source database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c24-t0 ] Complete. Total rows loaded: 2 
[2024-06-28 10:14:08] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c24-t0 ] Complete. Total rows loaded: 3 
[2024-06-28 10:14:09] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:09] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:09] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:09] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:10] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Waiting for hash threads to complete 
[2024-06-28 10:14:10] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Waiting for reconcile threads to complete 
[2024-06-28 10:14:10] [INFO   ] [Observer-c24-t0         ] Matched 2 rows 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [Observer-c24-t0         ] Staging table cleanup 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 1 of 3 - Missing on Source 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 2 of 3 - Missing on Target 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 3 of 3 - Not Equal 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Reconciliation Complete: Table = t2 ; Status = out-of-sync ; Equal = 2; Not Equal = 0; Missing Source = 0; Missing Target = 1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Start reconciliation 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Clearing data compare findings 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [DatabaseUtility         ] Building column expressions for public.t3 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [DatabaseUtility         ] Building column expressions for public.t3 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Source Columns: address,remark 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Target Columns: address,remark 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Source Compare Hash SQL: SELECT md5(concat_ws('|',coalesce(trim(to_char(id,'0.9999999999EEEE')),' '))) pk_hash, '{'||'"id": ' || id||'}' pk, md5(concat_ws('',coalesce(address::text,' ')||coalesce(remark::text,' '))) FROM public.t3 WHERE 1=1  
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Target Compare Hash SQL: SELECT md5(concat_ws('|',coalesce(trim(to_char(id,'0.9999999999EEEE')),' '))) pk_hash, '{'||'"id": ' || id||'}' pk, md5(concat_ws('',coalesce(address::text,' ')||coalesce(remark::text,' '))) FROM public.t3 WHERE 1=1  
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Starting compare hash threads 
[2024-06-28 10:14:14] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Creating data compare staging tables 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Starting compare thread 0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Observer-c25-t0         ] Starting reconcile observer 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c25-t0 ] Start database reconcile thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c25-t0 ] Start database reconcile thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Observer-c25-t0         ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c25-t0 ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Start repository loader thread 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c25-t0 ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Connecting to repository database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c25-t0 ] Connecting to target database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c25-t0 ] Connecting to source database 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-target-c25-t0 ] Complete. Total rows loaded: 6 
[2024-06-28 10:14:15] [INFO   ] [Reconcile-source-c25-t0 ] Complete. Total rows loaded: 5 
[2024-06-28 10:14:16] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i1     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:16] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i2     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:16] [INFO   ] [loader-source-t0-i1     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:16] [INFO   ] [loader-target-t0-i2     ] Loader thread complete. 
[2024-06-28 10:14:17] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Waiting for hash threads to complete 
[2024-06-28 10:14:17] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Waiting for reconcile threads to complete 
[2024-06-28 10:14:17] [INFO   ] [Observer-c25-t0         ] Matched 4 rows 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [Observer-c25-t0         ] Staging table cleanup 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 1 of 3 - Missing on Source 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 2 of 3 - Missing on Target 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Analyzing: Step 3 of 3 - Not Equal 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [ReconcileController     ] Reconciliation Complete: Table = t3 ; Status = out-of-sync ; Equal = 4; Not Equal = 0; Missing Source = 2; Missing Target = 1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Processed 3 tables 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Table Summary: Table = t1 ; Status = out-of-sync ; Equal = 6; Not Equal = 0; Missing Source = 3; Missing Target = 0 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Table Summary: Table = t2 ; Status = out-of-sync ; Equal = 2; Not Equal = 0; Missing Source = 0; Missing Target = 1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Table Summary: Table = t3 ; Status = out-of-sync ; Equal = 4; Not Equal = 0; Missing Source = 2; Missing Target = 1 
[2024-06-28 10:14:21] [INFO   ] [main                    ] Run Summary:  Elapsed Time (seconds) = 19; Total Rows Processed = 19; Total Out-of-Sync = 7; Through-put (rows/per second


	pgcompare=# select * from dc_result;
	 cid |      rid      | table_name |   status    |          compare_dt           | equal_cnt | missing_source_cnt | missing_target_cnt | not_equal_cnt | source_cnt | target_cnt 
	----- --------------- ------------ ------------- ------------------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------
	  11 | 1719540297159 | t1         | out-of-sync | 2024-06-28 10:04:58.066141 08 |         6 |                  3 |                  0 |             0 |          6 |          9
	  12 | 1719540297159 | t2         | out-of-sync | 2024-06-28 10:05:04.188957 08 |         2 |                  0 |                  1 |             0 |          3 |          2



	WITH mr AS (SELECT max(rid) rid FROM dc_result)
	SELECT compare_dt, table_name, status, source_cnt total_cnt, equal_cnt, not_equal_cnt, missing_source_cnt missing_target_cnt missing_cnt
	FROM dc_result r
		 JOIN mr ON (mr.rid=r.rid)
	ORDER BY table_name;

pgcompare-# ORDER BY table_name;
          compare_dt           | table_name |   status    | total_cnt | equal_cnt | not_equal_cnt | missing_cnt 
------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------
 2024-06-28 10:37:59.375011 08 | t1         | out-of-sync |         6 |         6 |             0 |           3
 2024-06-28 10:38:05.552199 08 | t2         | out-of-sync |         3 |         2 |             0 |           1
 2024-06-28 10:38:11.672654 08 | t3         | in-sync     |         2 |         2 |             0 |           0
 2024-06-28 10:38:17.797341 08 | t4         | skipped     |         0 |         0 |             0 |           0
(4 rows)

	SELECT coalesce(s.table_name,t.table_name) table_name,
	   coalesce(s.batch_nbr, t.batch_nbr) batch_nbr,
       coalesce(s.thread_nbr,t.thread_nbr) thread_nbr,
       CASE WHEN s.compare_result='n' THEN 'out-of-sync'
            WHEN s.compare_result='m' THEN 'missing target'
            WHEN t.compare_result='m' THEN 'missing source'
            ELSE 'unknown'
       END compare_result,
       coalesce(s.pk,t.pk) primary_key       
	FROM dc_source s
		 CROSS JOIN dc_target t;

pgcompare-#  CROSS JOIN dc_target t;
 table_name | batch_nbr | thread_nbr | compare_result | primary_key 
------------ ----------- ------------ ---------------- -------------
 t2         |         1 |          0 | missing target | {"b": 567}
 t2         |         1 |          0 | missing target | {"b": 567}
 t2         |         1 |          0 | missing target | {"b": 567}
(3 rows)


java -jar pgcompare.jar --batch=0 --check



如果在执行完pgcompare后,数据库里面又增加或者减少了表,则需要重新执行 下面的操作:

	truncate table pgcompare.dc_object        ;
	truncate table pgcompare.dc_result        ;
	truncate table pgcompare.dc_source        ;
	truncate table pgcompare.dc_table         ;
	truncate table pgcompare.dc_table_history ;
	truncate table pgcompare.dc_target        ;

1、java -jar pgcompare.jar --discovery public

	pgcompare=# select * from dc_table;
	 tid | source_schema | source_table | target_schema | target_table | batch_nbr | parallel_degree | mod_column | status | table_filter | column_map 
	----- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ----------- ----------------- ------------ -------- -------------- ------------
	   6 | public        | t1           | public        | t1           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
	   7 | public        | t2           | public        | t2           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
	   8 | public        | t3           | public        | t3           |         1 |               1 | NULL       | ready  | NULL         | NULL
	(3 rows)

3、java -jar pgcompare.jar --batch=0
	pgcompare=# select * from dc_result;
	 cid |      rid      | table_name |   status    |          compare_dt           | equal_cnt | missing_source_cnt | missing_target_cnt | not_equal_cnt | source_cnt | target_cnt 
	----- --------------- ------------ ------------- ------------------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------
	  17 | 1719540698085 | t1         | out-of-sync | 2024-06-28 10:11:39.071168 08 |         6 |                  3 |                  0 |             0 |          6 |          9
	  18 | 1719540698085 | t2         | out-of-sync | 2024-06-28 10:11:45.231873 08 |         2 |                  0 |                  1 |             0 |          3 |          2
	  19 | 1719540698085 | t3         | in-sync     | 2024-06-28 10:11:51.378574 08 |         3 |                  0 |                  0 |             0 |          3 |          3
	(3 rows)

		SELECT coalesce(s.table_name,t.table_name) table_name,
	   coalesce(s.batch_nbr, t.batch_nbr) batch_nbr,
       coalesce(s.thread_nbr,t.thread_nbr) thread_nbr,
       CASE WHEN s.compare_result='n' THEN 'out-of-sync'
            WHEN s.compare_result='m' THEN 'missing target'
            WHEN t.compare_result='m' THEN 'missing source'
            ELSE 'unknown'
       END compare_result,
       coalesce(s.pk,t.pk) primary_key       
		FROM dc_source s
		 CROSS JOIN dc_target t;

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