
2023-10-20 14:29:16 浏览数 (1)




North-South Traffic or Communication (also, N-S, N/S, or N | S) denotes a direction of traffic flow into and out of a data center. Based on the most commonly deployed topology of systems within a data center, North-South traffic typically indicates data flow that either enters or leaves the data center from/to a system physically residing outside the data center, such as user to server. Southbound traffic is data entering the data center (through a firewall and/or other networking infrastructure); data exiting via the perimeter network devices is said to be northbound. The other direction of traffic flow is East-west traffic which typically indicates data flow within a data center.



East-West Traffic denotes a direction of traffic flow within a data center. Based on the most commonly deployed topology of systems within a data center, East-West traffic indicates flow of data among devices within a specific data center. The other direction of traffic flow is North-south traffic, which typically indicates data flow that either enters/leaves the data center from/to a system physically residing outside the data center.



把拓扑图当成地图看,上北下南左西右东,^-^ 就这么简单。


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