trafilatura 介绍
代码语言:javascript复制from trafilatura import fetch_url, extract
url = ''
downloaded = fetch_url(url)
result = extract(downloaded, output_format="json")
代码语言:javascript复制{"title": "日本东电公布核污水排海瞬间:核对程序后启动,有工作人员抽检浓度", "author": null, "hostname": "", "date": "2023-10-30", "fingerprint": "ffffffffffffffff", "id": null, "license": null, "comments": "", "raw_text": "日本东电公布核污水排海瞬间:核对程序后启动,有工作人员抽检浓度,国际,国际社会,好看视频下载客户端创作中心消息上传视频61万次播放 | 发布时间:2023年8月25日01.3万收藏日本东电公布核污水排海瞬间:核对程序后启动,有工作人员抽检浓度接下来播放猜你喜欢", "text": "日本东电公布核污水排海瞬间:核对程序后启动,有工作人员抽检浓度,国际,国际社会,好看视频下载客户端创作中心消息上传视频61万次播放 | 发布时间:2023年8月25日01.3万收藏日本东电公布核污水排海瞬间:核对程序后启动,有工作人员抽检浓度接下来播放猜你喜欢", "language": null, "image": ",1415940711&fm=222&app=106&f=JPEG@s_0,w_800,h_1000,q_80,f_auto", "pagetype": "video", "source": "", "source-hostname": "", "excerpt": "日本东电公布核污水排海瞬间:核对程序后启动,有工作人员抽检浓度,本视频由青蜂侠Bee提供,607479次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台", "categories": "", "tags": "国际,国际社会,科普资料,科普咨询,科普电影,科普电视剧,科普综艺,科普话题,科普帖子,科普mv,科普视频,科普在线,科普下载,科普观看,科普直播,资料,咨询,电影,电视剧,综艺,话题,帖子,mv,视频,在线,下载,观看,直播,科普,国际社会,科学,日本东电,核污水"}
extract 分析
extract 函数定义如下,默认output_format为txt,只提取正文
代码语言:javascript复制def extract(filecontent, url=None, record_id=None, no_fallback=False,
favor_precision=False, favor_recall=False,
include_comments=True, output_format='txt',
tei_validation=False, target_language=None,
include_tables=True, include_images=False, include_formatting=False,
include_links=False, deduplicate=False,
only_with_metadata=False, with_metadata=False,
max_tree_size=None, url_blacklist=None, author_blacklist=None,
settingsfile=None, config=DEFAULT_CONFIG,
"""Main function exposed by the package:
Wrapper for text extraction and conversion to chosen output format.
- 首先用lxml加载
tree = load_html(filecontent)
- 然后
, 如果设置了target_language, 但网页不匹配会返回错误
- 接着解析
meta信息解析,从header里解析内容- 首先,examine_meta, 先尝试extract_opengraph,有的网站符合
Search meta tags following the OpenGraph guidelines (
规范 - 如果不符合OpenGraph规范,则从meta里提取
,这里有很多meta配置,比如OG_AUTHOR = {'og:author', 'og:article:author'}
, 当meta里有匹配的规则时,会填充到meta中 - title 识别失败的,从H1 和 配置的xpath获取
- 首先,examine_meta, 先尝试extract_opengraph,有的网站符合
title_xpaths = [
'//*[(self::h1 or self::h2)][contains(@class, "post-title") or contains(@class, "entry-title") or contains(@class, "headline") or contains(@id, "headline") or contains(@itemprop, "headline") or contains(@class, "post__title") or contains(@class, "article-title")]',
'//*[@class="entry-title" or @class="post-title"]',
'//*[(self::h1 or self::h2 or self::h3)][contains(@class, "title") or contains(@id, "title")]',
- author 识别失败的,从配置的xpath获取
author_xpaths = [
'//*[(self::a or self::address or self::div or self::link or self::p or self::span or self::strong)][@rel="author" or @id="author" or @class="author" or @itemprop="author name" or rel="me" or contains(@class, "author-name") or contains(@class, "AuthorName") or contains(@class, "authorName") or contains(@class, "author name")]|//author', # specific and almost specific
'//*[(self::a or self::div or self::h3 or self::h4 or self::p or self::span)][contains(@class, "author") or contains(@id, "author") or contains(@itemprop, "author") or @class="byline" or contains(@id, "zuozhe") or contains(@class, "zuozhe") or contains(@id, "bianji") or contains(@class, "bianji") or contains(@id, "xiaobian") or contains(@class, "xiaobian") or contains(@class, "submitted-by") or contains(@class, "posted-by") or @class="username" or @class="BBL" or contains(@class, "journalist-name")]', # almost generic and generic, last ones not common
'//*[contains(translate(@id, "A", "a"), "author") or contains(translate(@class, "A", "a"), "author") or contains(@class, "screenname") or contains(@data-component, "Byline") or contains(@itemprop, "author") or contains(@class, "writer") or contains(translate(@class, "B", "b"), "byline")]', # last resort: any element
- image 识别失败的,从配置的xpath获取
for elem in tree.xpath('.//head/meta[@property="og:image" or @property="og:image:url"][@content]'):
return elem.get('content')
for elem in tree.xpath('.//head/meta[@property="twitter:image" or @property="twitter:image:src"][@content]'):
return elem.get('content')
- sitename 识别失败的,会从title去识别,
, 靠正则去匹配HTMLTITLE_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(. )?s [–•·—|⁄*⋆~‹«<›»>:-]s (. )$') # part without dots?
, 这个对中文网页好像不太行 - 其他的还同步识别了tags,就是关键词
代码语言:javascript复制 # regroup extraction options
options = Extractor(config, no_fallback, favor_precision, favor_recall,
include_comments, include_formatting, include_links,
include_images, include_tables, deduplicate,
然后backup tree 和清理tree
代码语言:javascript复制 # backup (or not) for further processing
tree_backup_1 = deepcopy(tree) if no_fallback is False else None
tree_backup_2 = deepcopy(tree)
# clean use LXML cleaner
cleaned_tree = tree_cleaning(tree, options)
cleaned_tree_backup = deepcopy(cleaned_tree)
# convert tags, the rest does not work without conversion
cleaned_tree = convert_tags(cleaned_tree, options, url or document.url)
代码语言:javascript复制 # comments first, then remove
if include_comments is True:
commentsbody, temp_comments, len_comments, cleaned_tree = extract_comments(cleaned_tree, options)
commentsbody, temp_comments, len_comments = None, '', 0
提升精度, 将一些unwanted_nodes清理掉:
代码语言:javascript复制 if favor_precision is True:
cleaned_tree = prune_unwanted_nodes(cleaned_tree, REMOVE_COMMENTS_XPATH)
, 主要是一些常见的comment
""".//*[(self::div or self::list or self::section)][
starts-with(translate(@id, "C","c"), 'comment') or
starts-with(translate(@class, "C","c"), 'comment') or
contains(@class, 'article-comments') or contains(@class, 'post-comments')
or starts-with(@id, 'comol') or starts-with(@id, 'disqus_thread')
or starts-with(@id, 'dsq-comments')
代码语言:javascript复制# extract content
postbody, temp_text, len_text = extract_content(cleaned_tree, options)
- 定义正文潜在的候选标签
TAG_CATALOG = frozenset(['blockquote', 'code', 'del', 'head', 'hi', 'lb', 'list', 'p', 'pre', 'quote'])
potential_tags = set(TAG_CATALOG)
if options.tables is True:
potential_tags.update(['table', 'td', 'th', 'tr'])
if options.images is True:
if options.links is True:
代码语言:javascript复制BODY_XPATH = [
'''.//*[(self::article or self::div or self::main or self::section)][
@class="post" or @class="entry" or
contains(@class, "post-text") or contains(@class, "post_text") or
contains(@class, "post-body") or contains(@class, "post-entry") or contains(@class, "postentry") or
contains(@class, "post-content") or contains(@class, "post_content") or
contains(@class, "postcontent") or contains(@class, "postContent") or
contains(@class, "article-text") or contains(@class, "articletext") or contains(@class, "articleText")
or contains(@id, "entry-content") or
contains(@class, "entry-content") or contains(@id, "article-content") or
contains(@class, "article-content") or contains(@id, "article__content") or
contains(@class, "article__content") or contains(@id, "article-body") or
contains(@class, "article-body") or contains(@id, "article__body") or
contains(@class, "article__body") or @itemprop="articleBody" or
contains(translate(@id, "B", "b"), "articlebody") or contains(translate(@class, "B", "b"), "articleBody")
or @id="articleContent" or contains(@class, "ArticleContent") or
contains(@class, "page-content") or contains(@class, "text-content") or
contains(@id, "body-text") or contains(@class, "body-text") or
contains(@class, "article__container") or contains(@id, "art-content") or contains(@class, "art-content")][1]''',
# (…)[1] = first occurrence
"""(.//*[(self::article or self::div or self::main or self::section)][
contains(@class, 'post-bodycopy') or
contains(@class, 'storycontent') or contains(@class, 'story-content') or
@class='postarea' or @class='art-postcontent' or
contains(@class, 'theme-content') or contains(@class, 'blog-content') or
contains(@class, 'section-content') or contains(@class, 'single-content') or
contains(@class, 'single-post') or
contains(@class, 'main-column') or contains(@class, 'wpb_text_column') or
starts-with(@id, 'primary') or starts-with(@class, 'article ') or @class="text" or
@id="article" or @class="cell" or @id="story" or @class="story" or
contains(@class, "story-body") or contains(@class, "field-body") or
contains(translate(@class, "FULTEX","fultex"), "fulltext")
or @role='article'])[1]""",
'''(.//*[(self::article or self::div or self::main or self::section)][
contains(@id, "content-main") or contains(@class, "content-main") or contains(@class, "content_main") or
contains(@id, "content-body") or contains(@class, "content-body") or contains(@id, "contentBody")
or contains(@class, "content__body") or contains(translate(@id, "CM","cm"), "main-content") or contains(translate(@class, "CM","cm"), "main-content")
or contains(translate(@class, "CP","cp"), "page-content") or
@id="content" or @class="content"])[1]''',
'(.//*[(self::article or self::div or self::section)][starts-with(@class, "main") or starts-with(@id, "main") or starts-with(@role, "main")])[1]|(.//main)[1]',
代码语言:javascript复制 for expr in BODY_XPATH:
# select tree if the expression has been found
subtree = tree.xpath(expr)[0]
except IndexError:
代码语言:javascript复制 # prune the subtree
subtree = prune_unwanted_sections(subtree, potential_tags, options)
# second pass?
# subtree = delete_by_link_density(subtree, 'list', backtracking=False, favor_precision=options.precision)
if 'table' in potential_tags or options.precision is True:
for elem in subtree.iter('table'):
if link_density_test_tables(elem) is True:
# skip if empty tree
if len(subtree) == 0:
# no paragraphs containing text, or not enough
ptest = subtree.xpath('//p//text()')
if options.recall is True:
factor = 5
elif options.precision is True:
factor = 1
factor = 3
if not ptest or len(''.join(ptest)) < options.config.getint('DEFAULT', 'MIN_EXTRACTED_SIZE') * factor:
# polish list of potential tags
if 'ref' not in potential_tags:
strip_tags(subtree, 'ref')
if 'span' not in potential_tags:
strip_tags(subtree, 'span')
# proper extraction
subelems = subtree.xpath('.//*')
# e.g. only lb-elems in a div
if {e.tag for e in subelems} == {'lb'}:
subelems = [subtree]
# extract content
result_body.extend(filter(lambda x: x is not None, (handle_textelem(e, potential_tags, options) for e in subelems)))
# remove trailing titles
while len(result_body) > 0 and (result_body[-1].tag in NOT_AT_THE_END):
# exit the loop if the result has children
if len(result_body) > 1:
- 对子树进行修剪,删除不需要的部分。
- 如果potential_tags中包含'table'或者选项中设置了优先精度precision,那么遍历子树中的所有表格元素,如果里面链接过多,会剔除这个表格
- 如果子树为空,跳过当前循环
- 如果没有包含文本的段落,或者段落数量不足,将'div'添加到候选标签集合中
- 如果span和ref不在候选标签,去除'ref'和'span'标签
- 最主要的提取内容,
, 如果提取到结果,则退出(这里可能有问题,比如后面的xpath也能匹配到内容)
def handle_textelem(element, potential_tags, options):
'''Process text element and determine how to deal with its content'''
new_element = None
# bypass: nested elements
if element.tag == 'list':
new_element = handle_lists(element, options)
elif element.tag in CODES_QUOTES:
new_element = handle_quotes(element, options)
elif element.tag == 'head':
new_element = handle_titles(element, options)
elif element.tag == 'p':
new_element = handle_paragraphs(element, potential_tags, options)
elif element.tag == 'lb':
if text_chars_test(element.tail) is True:
element = process_node(element, options)
if element is not None:
new_element = Element('p')
new_element.text = element.tail
elif element.tag in FORMATTING:
new_element = handle_formatting(element, options) # process_node(element, options)
elif element.tag == 'table' and 'table' in potential_tags:
new_element = handle_table(element, potential_tags, options)
elif element.tag == 'graphic' and 'graphic' in potential_tags:
new_element = handle_image(element)
# other elements (div, ??, ??)
new_element = handle_other_elements(element, potential_tags, options)
return new_element
代码语言:javascript复制def handle_paragraphs(element, potential_tags, options):
'''Process paragraphs (p) elements along with their children,
trim and clean the content'''
# strip_tags(element, 'p') # change in precision due to spaces?
# no children
if len(element) == 0:
processed_element = process_node(element, options)
if processed_element is not None:
return processed_element
return None
# children
processed_element = Element(element.tag)
for child in element.iter('*'):
if child.tag not in potential_tags and child.tag != 'done':
LOGGER.debug('unexpected in p: %s %s %s', child.tag, child.text, child.tail)
# spacing = child.tag in SPACING_PROTECTED # todo: outputformat.startswith('xml')?
# todo: act on spacing here?
processed_child = handle_textnode(child, options, comments_fix=False, preserve_spaces=True)
if processed_child is not None:
# todo: needing attention!
if processed_child.tag == 'p':
LOGGER.debug('extra p within p: %s %s %s', processed_child.tag, processed_child.text,
if processed_element.text:
processed_element.text = ' ' processed_child.text
processed_element.text = processed_child.text
# handle formatting
newsub = Element(child.tag)
if processed_child.tag in P_FORMATTING:
# check depth and clean
if len(processed_child) > 0:
for item in processed_child: # children are lists
if text_chars_test(item.text) is True:
item.text = ' ' item.text
strip_tags(processed_child, item.tag)
# correct attributes
if child.tag == 'hi':
newsub.set('rend', child.get('rend'))
elif child.tag == 'ref':
if child.get('target') is not None:
newsub.set('target', child.get('target'))
# handle line breaks
# elif processed_child.tag == 'lb':
# try:
# processed_child.tail = process_node(child, options).tail
# except AttributeError: # no text
# pass
# prepare text
# todo: to be moved to handle_textnode()
# if text_chars_test(processed_child.text) is False:
# processed_child.text = ''
# if text_chars_test(processed_child.tail) is False:
# processed_child.tail = ''
# if there are already children
# if len(processed_element) > 0:
# if text_chars_test(processed_child.tail) is True:
# newsub.tail = processed_child.text processed_child.tail
# else:
# newsub.tail = processed_child.text
newsub.text, newsub.tail = processed_child.text, processed_child.tail
child.tag = 'done'
# finish
if len(processed_element) > 0:
# clean trailing lb-elements
if (
processed_element[-1].tag == 'lb'
and processed_element[-1].tail is None
return processed_element
if processed_element.text:
return processed_element
LOGGER.debug('discarding p-child: %s', tostring(processed_element))
return None
- 首先,清除element的属性
- 根据element是否有子元素,分别进行处理。
- 如果没有子元素,直接调用process_node函数处理element,并返回处理结果
- 如果有子元素,创建一个新的Element对象,遍历所有子元素,并根据子元素的标签进行相应的处理, 遍历提取文本
, 如果result_body有值,那么
temp_text = ' '.join(result_body.itertext()).strip()
# try parsing wild <p> elements if nothing found or text too short
# todo: test precision and recall settings here
if len(result_body) == 0 or len(temp_text) < options.config.getint('DEFAULT', 'MIN_EXTRACTED_SIZE'):
result_body = recover_wild_text(backup_tree, result_body, options, potential_tags)
temp_text = ' '.join(result_body.itertext()).strip()
# filter output
strip_elements(result_body, 'done')
strip_tags(result_body, 'div')
# return
return result_body, temp_text, len(temp_text)
- result_body中的所有文本节点连接成一个字符串,并去除首尾的空白字符,赋值给temp_text
- 如果result_body为空或者temp_text的长度小于配置中的最小提取大小(MIN_EXTRACTED_SIZE),则尝试从备份树(backup_tree)中恢复原始文本,并重新计算temp_text (这个对于上面提到的误判,有一个修正)
- 对result_body进行过滤,移除包含'done'文本的元素和所有'div'标签
- 最后返回处理后的result_body、temp_text以及temp_text的长度
代码语言:javascript复制 # extract content
postbody, temp_text, len_text = extract_content(cleaned_tree, options)
# compare if necessary
if no_fallback is False:
postbody, temp_text, len_text = compare_extraction(cleaned_tree_backup, tree_backup_1, url, postbody, temp_text, len_text, options)
# add baseline as additional fallback
# rescue: try to use original/dirty tree # and favor_precision is False=?
if len_text < config.getint('DEFAULT', 'MIN_EXTRACTED_SIZE'):
postbody, temp_text, len_text = baseline(tree_backup_2)
LOGGER.debug('non-clean extracted length: %s (extraction)', len_text)
# tree size sanity check
if max_tree_size is not None:
# strip tags
if len(postbody) > max_tree_size:
LOGGER.debug('output tree too long: %s', len(postbody))
strip_tags(postbody, 'hi')
# still too long, raise an error
if len(postbody) > max_tree_size:
LOGGER.debug('output tree too long: %s, discarding file', len(postbody))
raise ValueError
# size checks
if len_comments < config.getint('DEFAULT', 'MIN_EXTRACTED_COMM_SIZE'):
LOGGER.debug('not enough comments %s', url)
if len_text < config.getint('DEFAULT', 'MIN_OUTPUT_SIZE') and len_comments < config.getint('DEFAULT',
LOGGER.debug('text and comments not long enough: %s %s', len_text, len_comments)
raise ValueError
# check duplicates at body level
if deduplicate is True and duplicate_test(postbody, config) is True:
LOGGER.debug('discarding duplicate document for URL %s', url)
raise ValueError
# sanity check on language
if target_language is not None:
is_not_target_lang, document = language_filter(temp_text, temp_comments, target_language, document)
if is_not_target_lang is True:
LOGGER.debug('wrong language for URL %s', url)
raise ValueError
- 如果no_fallback为False,则使用compare_extraction函数比较两个备份树(cleaned_tree_backup和tree_backup_1),看那个结果更好
- 如果提取的文本长度小于配置中的最小提取大小(MIN_EXTRACTED_SIZE),则尝试使用原始tree解析,并更新postbody、temp_text和len_text。
- 如果输出树的长度大于最大树大小(max_tree_size),则删除标签以减小树的大小。如果仍然太大,则引发错误。
- 重复检测, 如果deduplicate,会做duplicate_test,有重复内容的话会报错
Trafilatura 没有采用类似GNE使用文本区块密度的方式来确定正文的方案,用来比较多的xpath规则,覆盖度还是不错的,但是对于未覆盖规则的部分,效果差强人意,需要做一些额外的处理。
- 和GNE的xpath规则,取并集,覆盖国内主要新闻网站
- 增加后处理,通过模型去除一些非正文部分