使用 Emacs 收听 elfeed 中的播客

2023-11-15 19:05:48 浏览数 (1)

Elfeed[1] 是 Emacs 中一个非常好用的 RSS 客户端,之前笔者也写过相关文章[2]进行介绍,强烈建议读者尝试一下跨平台的 RSS 客户端。

对于播客,主要的分发形式就是基于 RSS,所以用 elfeed 来听是在自然不过的事情,只需要一个支持命令行启动的音乐播放器即可,常见的有:vlc[3]mpv[4],而且它们都支持直接播放网络流,这样我们就省去了下载音频文件的步骤。

GitHub 上的 elcast[5] 已经解决这个问题,但是过于定制,因此笔者 fork 过来修改了一版,修改后的代码在:

;;; elcast.el --- Play podcast within elfeed.  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

(require 'elfeed-show)

(defgroup elcast nil
  "Tool for playing podcasts from `elfeed' enclosures."
  :group 'tools)

(defcustom elcast-player-executable (or (executable-find "vlc")
                                        (executable-find "mpv"))
  "Music player used for playing podcast."
  :type 'string
  :group 'elcast)

(defcustom elcast-player-params '()
  "Music player params"
  :type '(repeat string)
  :group 'elcast)

(defcustom elcast-buffer-name "*elcast-%s*"
  "Name of buffer for mpv process."
  :type 'string)

(defun elcast--get-url (show-entry)
  "Get the enclosure url associated with SHOW-ENTRY."
  (let ((enclosure (elfeed-entry-enclosures show-entry)))
    (car (elt enclosure 0))))

(defun elcast--launch-for-feed (feed)
  (let* ((exe elcast-player-executable)
         (url (elcast--get-url feed))
         (title (elfeed-entry-title feed))
         (buf-name (format elcast-buffer-name title)))
    (if-let (buf (get-buffer buf-name))
        (when (yes-or-no-p "Already playing this, stop and play again?")
          (apply 'start-process buf-name buf exe
                 `(,@elcast-player-params ,url)))
      (apply 'start-process buf-name buf-name exe
             `(,@elcast-player-params ,url)))))

(defun elcast-play ()
  "Play the `elfeed' podcast entry enclosure."
  (if-let ((entry elfeed-show-entry))
      (elcast--launch-for-feed entry)
    (user-error "No show entry")))

(provide 'elcast)
  • https://github.com/jiacai2050/blog-snippets/blob/main/elcast.el

由于笔者一直使用的是 vlc,而且它支持 socks 代理(mpv 只支持 http 代理[6]),因此这里给出使用 vlc 时的相关配置:

    (use-package elcast
      :load-path "/path/to/elcast"
      (setq elcast-player-params '("--socks" "" "--verbose" "2" "--no-color")))

以后,在 *elfeed-entry* 中浏览某个播客时,可以直接使用 M-x elcast-play 进行播放了!



Elfeed: https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed


相关文章: https://liujiacai.net/blog/2021/03/05/emacs-love-mail-feed/


vlc: https://www.videolan.org/


mpv: https://mpv.io/


elcast: https://github.com/douglasdavis/elcast


只支持 http 代理: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/3373

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