0×01 分析题目
题目名称: [签到]Shop 题目简介: 你听说过在C语言中的int型数据吗? 题目环境:
使用Kali ncrack进行连接
0×02 开始解题
连接环境后有如下字符: Welcome to the store! You currently have 10 coins.
代码语言:javascript复制Product List:
1. flag - 9999 coins
2. hint - 10 coins
3. quit
Please select a product to purchase (or enter 3 to quit):
代码语言:javascript复制大致意思就是你有10枚硬币,你有如下产品清单: 1.flag需要9999枚硬币 2.提示一次需要10枚硬币 3.退出 刚好有10枚硬币,买个提示试试: Welcome to the store! You currently have 10 coins.
Product List:
1. flag - 9999 coins
2. hint - 10 coins
3. quit
Please select a product to purchase (or enter 3 to quit): 2
Please enter the quantity to purchase: 1
Congratulations! You have purchased 1 hint(s)!
Do you know 2^32 1?
Product List:
1. flag - 9999 coins
2. hint - 10 coins
3. quit
Please select a product to purchase (or enter 3 to quit):
提示是 你能知道2的32次方+1等于多少吗 用计算器算了一下这个数太大了,没什么意义 flag需要9999枚硬币,题目只给10枚硬币,并且硬币又不可以获取,这可如何是好? 考虑到题目简介int类型数据 又考虑到题目是二进制类题目
打了个购买flag个数数字为0,曝出flag: Welcome to the store! You currently have 10 coins.
代码语言:javascript复制Product List:
1. flag - 9999 coins
2. hint - 10 coins
3. quit
Please select a product to purchase (or enter 3 to quit): 1
Please enter the quantity to purchase: 0
Congratulations! You have purchased 0 flag file(s)!
Product List:
1. flag - 9999 coins
2. hint - 10 coins
3. quit
Please select a product to purchase (or enter 3 to quit):