1 问题
2 方法
假设链表中每一个节点的值都在 0 - 9 之间,那么链表整体就可以代表一个整数。给定两个这种链表,请生成代表两个整数相加值的结果链表。 整体思路,如题目,链表的顺序与加法的顺序是相反的,自然的想到两种思路:把链表的元素压入栈中,借助栈实现对反转链表的元素进行操作;直接反转链表由于两种方式都需要新建链表,存储两个整数的相加值,因此空间复杂度都是o(n)。方法1比2多一个栈的空间,但是总的空间复杂度也是o(n)。细节提示加法的10进制的进位。设置进位标志incre,每次循环判断 val1 = list1.pop(-1) list2.pop(-1) incre。并且,在循环结束后,需要判断incre是否>0,如果>0,需要在链表中增加
代码清单 1
代码语言:javascript复制class ListNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x
self.next = None
class Solution:
def addInList(self , head1 , head2 ):
# write code here
list1 = []
while head1:
head1 = head1.next
list2 = []
while head2:
head2 = head2.next
list3 = []
incre = 0
while len(list1) and len(list2):
val1 = list1.pop(-1) list2.pop(-1) incre
incre = val1/10
val1 = val1
while len(list1):
val1 = list1.pop(-1) incre
incre = val1/10
val1 = val1
while len(list2):
val1 = list2.pop(-1) incre
incre = val1/10
val1 = val1
if incre>0:
dumpyNode = ListNode(-1)
pHead = dumpyNode
while len(list3):
pHead.next = ListNode(list3.pop(-1))
pHead = pHead.next
return dumpyNode.next
def addInList2(self , head1 , head2 ):
cur1 = head1
pre = None
while cur1:
next1 = cur1.next
cur1.next = pre
pre = cur1
cur1 = next1
head1 = pre
cur2 = head2
pre2 = None
while cur2:
next2 = cur2.next
cur2.next = pre2
pre2 = cur2
cur2 = next2
head2 = pre2
dumpyNode3 = ListNode(-1)
pHead = dumpyNode3
incre = 0
while head1 and head2:
val = head1.val head2.val incre
incre = val/10
val = val
head = ListNode(val)
pHead.next = head
pHead = pHead.next
head1 = head1.next
head2 = head2.next
while head1:
val = head1.val incre
incre = val/10
val = val
head = ListNode(val)
pHead.next = head
pHead = pHead.next
head1 = head1.next
while head2:
val = head2.val incre
incre = val/10
val = val
head = ListNode(val)
pHead.next = head
pHead = pHead.next
head2 = head2.next
if incre>0:
head = ListNode(incre)
pHead.next = head
pHead = pHead.next
pHead = dumpyNode3.next
cur1 = pHead
pre = None
while cur1:
next1 = cur1.next
cur1.next = pre
pre = cur1
cur1 = next1
return pre
3 结语